So if you want the root access back on the latest android marshmallow then follow below guide to root android marshmallow.Thanks to XDA dev varun.chitre15 for Thunderzap kernel which make the Selinux permissive of android Marshmallow.

Unluckily if you didn’t got the OTA update of android marshmallow then follow below link to update it manually to android M 6.0
1.Download Android Marshmallow 6.0 For Sparkle V
2.Download Android Marshmallow 6.0 For Canvas A1
So for rooting your Micromax Canvas A1 Running on android Marshmallow you have to flash ThunderZAP kernel and the latest Super Su v2.50 that support android marshmallow 6.0
1.Must have custom recovery in your device (TWRP or CWM)
2.Download Thunder Zap
3.Download SuperSu marshmallow)
4.Do backup of your current ROM from recovery.
#How to root Micromax Canvas A1 running on Android M 6.0
1.Download Both Thuderzap and Super su and place it in your device memory.
2.Then reboot your device into recovery mode.
3.Tap on “Install” in recovery mode and the select from your memory where you pasted it in 1st step.
4.Now After selecting the .zip file do “Swipe to confirm flash” at the bottom of the screen.
5.Now back to home in TWRP recovery and Flash the latest Super Su v2.50 similarly as you flashed the Thunder Zap kernel in step 3 and Step 4.
6.Once Flashed both the files in sequence reboot our device.
Done! You Successfully Rooted Micromax canvas A1 running on android marshmallow 6.0
I think internal memory is not accessible without root…I have already formatted my SD card using Marshmallows new feature so twrp is not mounting it at any place that I know of….At what place exactly are you saying to copy the files
You can place the File in any place Internal of External.
Whats internal of external? I read somewhere that Marshmallow basically encrypts the SD card when it formats it as internal ext4 partition so till someone decrypt those keys it will be difficult mounting it. Anyways I found another way 😀 I did it the ADB sideload way. Just need the minimal ADB and Fastboot setup. Drivers can be downloaded using adbuniversal_v1.0.
Assuming your file is "" and you have copied it to the minimal install folder.
After that you need to boot mobile to recovery >> Advanced >> ADB sideload(for TWRP). Connect with USB on PC and pass the commands "adb sideload" from a command window open in the folder where minimal setup is installed. And that file will get installed.
Will I be able to install future OTA updates if I root my device?
Nop you can't
Then how do I install future updates? Will I need to wipe in order to install official updates?
For updates you need to install the stock kernel and unroot your device with stock firmware.
One more question please, its off topic though, when will Android 6.1 begin rolling out?
No one know 🙂
Please make a video then it will be very clear.
From where I'll get TWRP
you can get it from here
why to flash thunderzap file ?
without this you can’t root it.
Is it important to install TWRP? Can we root without it?
Yes it is important