on any custom roms like Cm13 or AOSP based on android Marshmallow without gapps the android system
is incomplete before if you not install these Google apps you will not
get apps like Gmail,Google play store,Google play music,Google + and
many other apps to.We somehow manage to get the Pico Gapps of android marshmallow 6.0.zip which is flash able through custom recovery.
See also:Cyanogenmod 13.0 Features,Walkthrough, Release Date Android 6.0 [CM 13]
Today we will show you how to install
GAPPS(Google apps) in android Marshmallow 6.0.These google apps package is compatible with all the roms for android.There gaaps are compressed in a zip file.

#Download Google apps Package
1.Download Gapps Rico for android Marshmallow 6.0
The pico version of PA Gapps for Android M 6.0 Marshmallow open_gapps-arm-6.0-pico-20151009-v2.zip
comes with minimum Google applications. These include Google system base, Google Play Store,
Google Calendar Sync only, Google Play Services. This version of GApps
is intended for the users who don’t like all other Google applications
and want the basic ones only.
Size: 55 MB | Download |
#How to flash Gapps in android Marshmallow via recovery
2.Now reboot you device into recovery.
3.Now select Install Zip from SD card option.
4.Now navigate and select Gapps zip file where you saved it earlier.
5.Now Flash the file in you android phone.
6.After flashing Restart you device and it will take time in first start up so be patient,
7.You have now successfully installed all Google Apps on Android M 6.0 Marshmallow custom ROM or CM 13 ROM.
See also:Download Google apps (Gapps) For lollipop 5.1.x or 5.0.1
play services is not working not able to login google accounts. so literally you cant install any app
Yeah there may be some bugs will update it soon once fixed