If you install any ota update when your device is having any custom recovery then it will surely brick your Moto X Play.So now you know how useful is the Stock android recovery for any device.
#How to flash stock recovery in Moto X play
2.Download Motorola USB Drivers.
3.Download Minimal fastboot and extract in on your desktop.
4. Now turn OFF you Moto X Play 2015.
5. Then
Turn On it again By holding (Volume down button and power button) at
the same time for 6 sec and release it you will again see the
bootloader.Now pug your device with your PC using usb data cable.
6.Then copy Stock recovery of Moto X play i.e Recovery.img that you Downloaded above and paste it in the mfastboot folder.
Now open mfastboot folder and hold the
shift key and right click on the mouse the in any blank space in that
folder you will see open command window here click on that.

8.Now type the below code in command prompt and hit enter.
9.You have successfully flashed Stock Recovery in Moto X play 2015 edition
Please help me:
writing 'recovery'…
(bootloader) Image size exeeded partition limits
(bootloader) Preflash validation failed
FAILED (remote failure)
What can I do?
same happen to me if tou want the marshmellow update just flash the stock android 5.1.1 rom and then from their go to settings and update the phone it worked for me.
If I were you I would stick with android 5.1.1 android m is laggy on moto x play
Where I can found a stock android 5.1.1 ROM??
Here it is http://www.gammerson.com/2015/10/download-and-flash-stock-firmware-moto-x-play.html
i had to use the stock recovery downloaded from a stock update i downloaded from Motorola
yes you have to download stock recovery from the link given in the post and then flash it via fastboot.
This proccess is for xt1563 too?
It didn't work and now my cell phone does not turn on 🙁
writing 'recovery'…
(bootloader) Image size exeeded partition limits
(bootloader) Preflash validation failed
FAILED (remote failure)
What can I do?
try this code only to flash recovery fastboot flash recovery recovery
not working
target reported max download size of 268435456 byte
sending 'partition' (32 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.006s]
writing 'partition'…
(bootloader) Preflash validation failed
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.485s
how fix?
try this command only fastboot flash recovery recovery
Here is a stock android 6.0 recovery for Moto X Play (xt1562) :- http://d-h.st/S0lm
there are two processor in moto x play 1. XT1562 2. XT1563 so on bootloader you need to check the processor type and download the stock rom, flash step by step to get rid of preflash validation error, after flashing completely the phone will be boot normally
E:\root\abd and fastboot>fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending ‘recovery’ (32799 KB)…
FAILED (data transfer failure (Unknown error))
finished. total time: 5.007s
What do I do?