Many peoples didn’t got the the android Marshmallow Update in there devices yet and also many of them may not get it even after the release due to low end specification of there devices.But they don’t need to worry about that if your device is lucky and have good development then your device should get android M 6.0 in form of CM13.0 😀 .Till then you can wait for the release date of Cyanogenmod 13.The release date of Cm13 will be – November 2015 and final build will be released around April 2016
Cyanogenmod roms are well known for Customization and performance.Many people prefer CyanogenMod rom over Stock Roms.If you are a die hard fan of CM roms then you will be happy to know that, CyanogenMod team already started working on Cm13 which is based on Android marshmallow 6.0.
You will be happy to know some CM13 feature that will going to included in it that are as follows.
See Also:Download XMOD Games For android
Update 1:According to Cyanogenmod Tweet The official Cm13 may be going to release on 25 December 2015 this Christmas.
1.Finger Print support

CM 13 will going to Support Fingerprint sensor as of now those who are having fingerprint sensor in there device and installed Cm 12 or Cm12.1 in it, they will notice that finger print scanner is not working in there devices as CM12 or Cm12.1 does not Support fingerprint sensor eg. In Samsung galaxy S6 edge and edge +,or HTC one M9+,One plus 2 etc
2.Multi Window Support

Cyanogenmod will now support multi window to do multitasking.If you like to do multi tasking and opens lots of apps in background then this feature is only for you.As it will allow users to open multiple apps simultaneously like as above images.
3.New Sytem UI and more Customization
This time Cyanogenmod Comes with all new user interface design.As you may already seen many Walkthrough of android M 6.0 Marshmallow in many videos where Google introduce new app drawer in which apps are organized in alphabetically order (vertically) so that you can easily access them that same feature will also be implemented in CM13 as it is also available in CM12.1.
See also:Download Android M 6.0 Boot animation for CM12 and CM 12.1 apk
4.Better Battery Management
As we all know that Cyanogenmod roms are well know for there good battery backup as compared to stock rom due to no bloatware app in it.This time Google is clamming that in there new Android M OS you can get 2X more battery backup then android lollipop.Hence it will also applicable in CM13 that means we are going to get even more juice this time in Cyanogenmod roms.
See also:Download Android M System apps (Camera, Bootanimation,Ringtones,launcher)
CyanogenMod 13 lacks some features and customization that CM12
users had grown accustomed to. However, it is only a matter of time
before the CyanogenMod team ports forward their code, improves it for Marshmallow and then adds it back to their ROM.We keep updating this article so that you get latest updates.Keep visiting for new updates on CM13.
Hope so! Do you have a source for this info?
May be cortana will be included
Ya possible in official CM13 Cortana will be included
Cool, I am wondering if you ever plan to fix the bluetooth audio stuttering for the Samsung Galaxy 5 that I have been complaining about for a year now? Some say it's been there since CM11.
If you say no ones brought it to your attention then I say you don't care about your own forums or user feedback.
I guess that when it's free you have no right to complain.
You realize this is just a random tech blog, right? This guy has nothing to do with development. You should post to the Cyanogenmod forums if you have a complaint.
He's probably been all over the internet in comment sections complaining about this, expecting they they well get the messages.
when will i get rom CM 13 for galaxy grand duos.
there is no news about it for now once we got it we will update it here.
They say cm builds drains battery less because there's almost no bloat apps. It's not true battery drains faster or equal to stock rom
no matter what rom or phone i use the drain is the same. IM A KILLER N I CANT HELP IT.
When the CM13 update is going to show for Samsung Note 3 (International) N9005??? 😀
no information yet keep visiting for new updates.
thirsty thirsty