There are 3 steps To root Moto e 2nd gen And install custom recovery.
#How to unlock bootloader of Moto E 2nd gen 2015
►Things you need before rooting your Moto E 2nd
2.Download mfastboot-v2 extract its content(small size and easy)
3.Download SuperSu Zip for android lollipop
a)Download Moto E 2 nd gen 3g model/version TWRP Recovery
b)Download TWRP for Moto E 2nd gen 4g model/version Only.
Now you are ready to Start Rooting your Moto E.
#Steps to Unlock Bootloder of Moto E 2nd gen.
volume down button and power key for 5 sec and release it.You will see
Boot loader will be open on the screen.Like below image.
tools.Now Hold the shift key and right click on the mouse the in any
black space in that folder you will see open command window here click
on that.
fastboot oem get_unlock_data

different line just copy that code in notepad and delete all the blank
space so that you will get a single line string.

9. Paste the long code in the site and click on Can my device be unlocked.

send via email to the email you logged in with to the Motorola site.

12. Congratulation you Just unlocked you bootloader.
Now you need to Flash TWRP recovery in you Moto E 2nd gen 2015 4g model only.
Note:this recovery is for moto e 2nd gen 4g model as the recovery for 3g model is not yet build so don’t flash this recovery in your moto e 2nd gen 3g model you may brick you mobile.
#How To instally TWRP in Moto E 2nd gen 2015(surnai)
1. Copy in you Device memory that you downloaded above .
Volume button and power button at the same time for 6 sec and release it
you will again see the boot loader.Now pug you device with yor PC.
For Moto E 2nd gen LTE version/4G
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
:recovery.img is the name of the TWRP recovery that you downloaded
above steps so you can rename according to the name of the file that you
paste in the tools folder.
For Moto E 2nd gen 3G model
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
7.You have succesfully flashed Recovey in your Moto E 2nd gen 2015 4g model (surnai) And On Moto E 2nd gen 3g model.
8. Now tap volume down button on your
Moto E to highlight the recovery option in the boot loader And Press
volume Up button to select it.
9.In Recovery ,Select Install Option
10.Now select and flash it swiping the arrow to right side.
11.Now wait for few seconds until installation in progress.
12.Congratulation you successfully rooted you Moto E 2nd gen 2015 4G and 3G version.
See also:Download Cyanogenmod 13 For Moto E 2nd Gen Android Marshmallow 6.0
it works but u should tell it with minimal abd and fastboot
boot up failed when i try to get into recovery please help me ,, email me at please urgent
If it failed , please try flashing recovery again immediately…
It will work…
bootloader is unlocked but im not able to root
what is the problem you are facing ?
not able to find android sdk
You don't need to use android sdk just use mfastboot drivers.
i have to xtract mfastboot
then i have pasted the twrp recovery downloaded above and when i opende th cmd its showing error file target file to large Here is the link for android sdk
it says boot up failed …please help
In which step you are facing this problem ?
There are no screenshot to show how to root moto e2.
Please help me
All the screenshots are provided in the post please try to open from any other browser
Why does it say target reported. Max download size?
Thank you for this tutorial but I am facing a problem. Once I type fastboot oem unlock [my number] it says :
(bootloader) Check 'Allow OEM Unlock' in Developer Options.
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.012s
Should I do turn it on and do something in the settings?
Just go to setting ->developer options and turn on OEM Unlock
Then try the same command again.
I succed thank you. I still didn't have finish yet.
(I was the unknown guy)
how do I get the 4g twrp recovery img the link takes me to the code
thanks for reporting the link is updated you can download it from the link again
:root moto e2>fastboot flash recovery
arget reported max download size of 299892736 byte
rror: cannot load 'recovery.img': No error
this is the code that i get…plz help me out …nd reply as soon as possible
Hey Try this code fastboot flash recovery recovery instead of fastboot flash recovery recovery.img hope it works with you.
Hey is have a MotoE brought it in the US, but i cant get the unlock code, it seems my device is not eligible to be unlocked. . is there a workaround it?
Try to enter bootloader code on motorola website correctly make sure there is no spaces between any digit in bootloader unlock code.
Hey is have a MotoE brought it in the US, but i cant get the unlock code, it seems my device is not eligible to be unlocked. . is there a workaround it?
Hey, i got the workaround for the unlock code, i am very new to rooting or flashing devices, could you point me in the right direction for the recovery.img process
Which model you are using ?
Hello sumedh sankhe. Even i am stuck in this bootload unlocker code. it says device not eligible for unlocking. i see u have mentioned that u got the solution to it. even my device is from US. kIndly help me to. thanks. i have sent invi to u in hangouts. my id is
Where to paste twrp recovery.img
Copy it in mfastboot folder.
i am getting this
C:UserssirDesktopMfastboot>fastboot flash recovery recovery
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
error: cannot load 'recovery': No error
Hey I got the bootloader unlocked warning loop and stuck for forever. It seems like many people have this problem but not suitable solution. Can anybody help. Please.
Did you just unlocked the bootloader ?
Sir, plz. Help me… I think I lost my root access….. The bootloader is unlocked and cwm.recovery is installed… Now how to re-root…. Plz. Help me Sir. I am using Moto e 1st gen….
you can gain root access by installing super su from cwm recovery again !
Hello,do you need a PC and internet connection to take all these steps.
Yes !
When I tried to check if it is unlock-able or not the site said:
your device does not qualify for bootloader unlocking
What can I do?
try the 7th step care fully make sure you didn't delete any character accidental or you left any space in between the code.
I tried with tha same issue. Actually I have two phones both are moto e 2nd gen 4g version. I tried for both of them with the same issue.
the phones are locked to verizon. Is that the problem?
I have the same problem. Moto e 2nd gen 4G locked to Verizon. Is there any way to work around it?
when i put in "adb reboot bootloader" it says waiting for device even if its connected
did you enable usb debugging mode from developer options
Guys, Any updates regarding the locked Verizon version?
how to root without pc
you can't root without pc.
Cannot max target in cmd fix it guys
Hello Every One I can unlock Verizon GSM mobile also with out using any unlocking code for just 15$
Reach me out at
don't spread spam !
Will this work with Boost?
as we did't tested it on this device so i can't say about it much but you can give it a try.
I am ok until the "mismatched partition size recovery") but when i try to recovery it shows me the android robot with the red triangle. So i tried to press volume up and power (as i read in another guide) but now the phone is optimizing apps… What can i do?
can you boot in to recovery mode !
i cannot download fastboot please help
the link is working fine !
my cam show this message:"camera is busy" after rooted my moto e 4G
try to clear cache and factory reset your device !
hi my moto e2 stuck on boot loder screen & it did not start so that i M unable to enable oem unlock option. now how do i unlock boot please help me
what is your device model i think you flashed wrong recovery in your device.
I also get the message saying camera is busy and cannot start. And if I follow the instruction to do a factory reset I'll lose the root. How can I make camera work again without losing root. And this factory reset is through the phone's settings or through recovery twrp? Thanks
When Im executing the command fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
Im ending up with the error "target reported max download size of 299892736 bytes
error: cannot load 'recovery.img': No error"
I have read the above comments too about this error and tried to execute -> fastboot flash recovery recovery but still end up in the same error.
Will be glad if you can help me to to proceed in this regard.
my device bootloader not work this devicce does not qulifed from bootloader unlocking thiis earro mesg are comming
i have unlock code
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:Program Files (x86)Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot devices
TA0050AQL3 fastboot
C:Program Files (x86)Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
(bootloader) 9900054555091100#54413030353041
(bootloader) 514C3300585431353238000000#8B0D
(bootloader) CD4CE62A97E459F90DB5A3A3ED949CB
(bootloader) 27940#96785A1200000000000000000
(bootloader) 0000000
OKAY [ 0.239s]
finished. total time: 0.242s
C:Program Files (x86)Minimal ADB and Fastboot>
plz help me
my email plz sent unlock code
your device is not eligible for unlock.
Hello, I try to reboot and install super su but I see no install from recovery option, my device says unlocked status code 3
No way to get in Recovery mode regardless the device is unlocked and TWRP 3.0.0 was repeatedly flashed with out errors(3 times).
On my bootloader logs:
Boot up failed
Boot up failed
…just to complement, Recovery Mode option is num, no reaction and just stuff on the Bootloader Logs (Boot up failed).
Is this because of TWRP problem???
Hai Sir, I Want Supersu for Android Marshmellow.I want root my phone.How to use it.
does it work if i have 5.1 lollipop insted of 5.0.1?
Yes this will work ! but download updated supersu.
hi sir/madam ,
i have problem in my device at the time of rooting my device crashed nd now showing message start up failed please connect your device to your computer and install the software like as message .please help me to solve out this problem my email :
i am waiting for your feedback please reply.
can you send me the screenshot on this id so that i can help you out.
moto e2 6.0 root
Before wasting hundreds of hours of all these peoples time maybe you should put in big bold letters THE MOTO E FOT VERIZON (SOLD AT WALMART THAT EVERYONE BOUGHT $49.99) IS NOT ABLE TO BE UNLOCKED
What is shows on motorola website can you provide me the bootloader unlock code that you get in cmd.
is this twrp recovery compatible with my moto e 4g running on marshmallow (6.0)??
Yes it will work but make sure you download correct twrp recovery for 4g model.
plz help me , after flashing twrp on my moto e 4g it stuck on M logo…plz help me how can i get it back to normal??
flash the stock recovery !!
How to flash a code
how to select install option
you will get install option in twrp recovery.
i have installed which you given for 4G. installation is done of after that my mobile is stopped at "warning bootloader unlocked" when i am starting it.
Try to clear cache and Wipe Dalvik cache
You may have to reinstall stock firmware. I did that and you have redo everything from the TWRP installation.
I followed the steps, but when I installed Super SU, it asks me to install some more data. However after installing, it asks me to repeat the same thing again and again.
Please help
how to get copy boot loader code..
right click mark the code and then copy it !
Quise rootear mi moto e 2da gen con android 6.0 y se me queda en el logo
Se puede rootear??ayuda
In my fastboot bootloader it tells me that my device is unlocked and then it waits for me to connect the device for ever. I have tried every single usb cable I have access to and they always work except during my bootload sequence. I’ve been scouring these blogs to find somebody who has the same message of already being unlocked but so far I’m it. What do you suppose I can do about that (besides wishing I hadn’t wasted my degree)? Thanks in advance.
So did you unlocked the bootloader and trying to install TWRP recovery ?
Any news on unlocking the bootloader for the Verizon version? Any workaround possibly?
not yet !
Sir pls help me….i’ve done everything but when am going to reboot after TWRP SuperSU installation then my Moto E2 4G got stuck on Bootloader Warning Screen….what should i do…pls help
hiii sir i had posted the unlock code but motorola site is saying that the your device not qualifying for unlock bootloader what can i do next pls help me
I tried but phone not root.problem is my device linux display cont connect to pc .i does not shows device connected to pc .what should i do to root my phone
I get the problem at the linux display .it con’t connected to the normal mode it connected to pc .that’s why i cont get root .please help me to fix
I can’t understand your problem !
Sir Jbb me cmd me cmnd likhta hu fastboot ome get_unlock_code
Tbb khhta h waiting for device…… plzz help me
Did you installed the driver correctly ?
Hey do I have to relock bootloader after installing from and rooting ?
No need to do that !
everything went ok, until the cell tried to boot againg after the procedure cause is got hung on the “unlocked bootloader” message and is not letting me power on the cell.
plz help
i cant understand
Now you need to Flash TWRP recovery in you Moto E 2nd gen 2015 4g model only.
Note:this recovery is for moto e 2nd gen 4g model as the recovery for 3g model is not yet build so don’t flash this recovery in your moto e 2nd gen 3g model you may brick you mobile.
does it mean that there is no need of recovery or does it mean that i have to do something else?
Is it possible to root moto e2 without PC ?
Recently i purchased a Moto E 2015 for boost mobile of off ebay. I successfully unlocked the bootloader last night and attempted to flash twrp. I fallowed the directions on XDA exactly as they put it, yet i keep getting the “cannot load” error, or a partitions error. Has anyone else had this issue? And how can i resolve it.Thank you in advance.
After all the steps my Moto E 2n gen 4G stucks on “WARNING BOOTLOADER UNLOCKED” and I even can’t turn off it, immediately starts again. Please help
I followed your steps. But now I am stuck in a boot loop. I have successfully unlocked the phone and done rooting. After rooting device started to reboot but never completed. Now I cant turn on the phone and it shows “Boot loader unlocked” message. Please help me.
Can you boot into TWRP recovery mode !
I am trying to root my moto e 2nd g. And I don’t have a PC and Everytime I use rooting it says failed. Can u help me
Should it be mfastboot flash…. Or fastboot flash….
both will work
i successfully install twry than backup the data. now w my mobile is show warning bootloader unlock message and does not power off/ on. what i do
keep pressing power button then boot into twrp recovery and clear cache
I have moto e 2nd gen 5.1 lollipop 2013 version……….. I want to root it……….. I have to download and install android SDK??…plz reply as soon as possible sir………….and sir,…… I also gave to install twrp ???….. Sir plz reply
It say su location not found….. Plz help sir
Sir,thank you……..I successfully unlocked my bootloader …..BT I I have a problem,…….. Sir in “installation of twrp” part I command promot when I write “fastboot flash recovery recovery.img” it shows “fastboot is not recognised as a internal or external command operable program or batch file”
Sir plz help me in this matter only……..another thing sir….as u say “platform-tool”………. Sir there are no such foldour in c> SDK…………….sir I have two folder name platform and tool separately……….
Sir plz help me
my bootloader is unlock but i recovery it its show error help me plz
Hi Please help me. My phone motorola nexus 6. Bootloder problem.
did you installed Motorola drivers?
Hi I am failed to wipe data in twrp mode and I cannot install a new rom it gave error 255 but my device successfully rooted give an suggestion how to wipe data on my motoe2 3g model my device shows twrp not found on internal storage