Root Cm13 now. If you are facing problem in Root checker that is it is showing that Sorry! your Device not Rooted properly on CM13 or CM12.1.If you are facing same problem In your device too then no need to worry.Update:This method will not work on Oneplus devices like Oneplus one,ย Oneplus two , Oneplus X.So let’s start the steps to root CM13.
Today i will tell you how to Root CM 13 android marshmallow 6.0 Without using any third party app.As CM 12.1 comes with in built root app you just need to enable it from setting.Follow below step by step tutorial to enable root access in Cm13 and get Super su in it.

#Steps To Enable Root Access In Cm 13
1.Firstly go to settings in your Cyanogenmod 13 Rom.
2.Now open About phone menu in the last.
3.Then tap on Build Number 5-6 time to enable developer option.
4.After enabling developer option Go back to settings and open Developers options.
5.Then turn on the developer option by sliding the switch ON
6.then Scroll down and Select Root access option .
7.Then from the menu select enable Root for apps and Adb.
8.Done!You successfully enable Root access in your CM 13 marshmallow 6.0
If you face any problem you can comment below ๐
hello, i have a motorola moto g xt1032. recently i install cyanogenmod 13, but don't have root access. i follow your steps but nothing. help me please
Did you got the Option of Root and ADb in the developer options ?
Yes, I enabled them but still receive the problem. I think it might be a superuser app problem
Ok ! Then try to flash this file frim here
please, give us something more, anyone who know how to flash custom rom should know this, we need a diferent boot image an them to flash the nem SuperSU 2.52, but i only found the custom boot image to stock marshmalow
Which device you are using ?
i'm usinf moto g 2014 (xt1068) running CM12.1
what i can't do is flash superuser in cm13, got bootloop everytime
Yes I am using too cm13..for this flash the beta superSU v2.67 through twrp/cwm recovery
I am using moto G2 XT1068. I did as u said but wen I try to switch on my phone it doesn't.I kept it DAT way for abut an hour but it did not start and kept showing the marshmallow sign. Please help.
Try to reflash the rom and the flash super su from recovery hope it helps !
yes i have some problem i flash cm 13 on lenovo a6000 plus and go to debloper optins and tick out root acces adb and aps but it still not working i thik its need supersu.any have a solution how to root plese write blow this comment thank you……. try to flash this super su zip file and try again make sure to backup of your current rom before proceeding.
It’s says boot image problem and aborted
Hi man! I do what you say. But doesnt work, i have an LG l70, i install the sรบper su for marshmellow, but still not working, king root doesnt work un this ROM, i hace to back to cm 12,un cm 12 the king root works perfectly
No need of kingo root just enable root access and check root from root checker app
If i disable root access on cm 13 and run the byjus app it shows a message that device is rooted you can't move further help me please
Thank you. Work for CyanogenMod 13 os 6.1.
My device is rooted but super su isnt showing up
thank you.
My device is not showing root access when I also enable root access apps and adb
Am using micromax canvas xpress 2 with 5.1 version . Could you pls give me the link for the root the mobile…
Hi im using samsung s3 gt-19300 the root access does not shown up
Hi, i'm tried to flash but when i reboot to recovery mode, it's cyanogen recovery, how can i reboot into cwm or twrp recovrery??? I'm using Samsung S2 G9100. Sorry about my English!!
go to developer options, then find update cyanogenmod-update and turn it off if its on
did that. didnt work. now what?
Hi I downloaded cm 13 on Samsung galaxy s4 mini gt-i9190 but when I enable my root acces root checker say my phone doesn't have root acces
Did you tried above steps it this not works then flash the latest supersup for marshmallow from twrp recovery hope it works !
I have installed supersu 2.68 on my oneplus x but the phone has become laggy. Phone is not detecting the SIM card
Great post!! Thanks, I have just installed CM13 (the first custom rom I install) and it works!!
Hey, in my case the option is not even shown in the developer options. What am I doing wrong? And yes, I am using version 13 of CM.
I have oneplusone I’m running on cm13 and 6.0.1 i’m not able to find that root option you are telling in developers option..
You can get this option only on custom installed Cm13 there is other method of rooting one plus one
I cant even find the root access option after enabling dev options.. this is frustrating.. it shows most of the other dev options but not root access
On which device you are running Cm13 ?
Im running it on a OnePlus One, got the official update and everything and yet it seems like something’s wrong..
i have the same problem…
Im running it on a OnePlus One, got the official update and everything and yet it seems like somethingโs wrong..
Have a great evening! ๐
This method will not work on Oneplus one !
I’m using a One Plus one and I had root on it before with Android Kit Kat. Then I updated it to Marshmallow and it still had root. But now the root is gone somehow even if I enabled root under Developer Options it says Root Apps and ABD but my phone is not rooted. What do I do? Thank you
Hi, are you running on official marshmallow ? if yes then this method will not work.
I have problem when i enable root access aps and adb, my device is Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 and up to cm 13. If i flash the supersu, i scare about my phone is bootloop, please help!
what problem are you facing
I want to flash the supersu in twrp, but i’m don’t want my phone is bootloop, what do i do?
I am using cm13 on lava pixel v1 I am trying to root the I applied all methods but not working even installation of super su also it also not responding please help me
This works flawlessly for me on s4 sphl720t running cyanogen 13 6.0 marshmallow..I had been searching and searching for a Odin way to root, I had no idea it was this simple. Thank you so much!
Your welcome keep Visiting !
i m using OPO running cm 13.1 , i was not able to find root access even after enabling developer options (i m sure its not there in cm 13.1), also some features are missing on my ROM like multi task window,but it was OTA update. kindly help plz
If you are running on official Cm13 that came with OPO then it will not work for you.And you said that You got it from OTA that means it official CM13 OS .
if I check with root checker my cm 13 still unroofed n my superuser also inactive?
Please mention your device name and model !
It is working but now after few days it is not working it says root access is not available.
Did you uninstalled SuperSu app ?
Anyone know a ROM that has flash enabled?
I am using Cm13. I enabled the root access. it is going fine. but I want to use super su app. how can I enabled super su?. I installed super su but it says update binary and I can’t do it all time failed.
You don’t need super su..its already there.
I did followwd the stepa mentioned but still no root access.
Please suggest any other method.
Try to flash file from twrp recovery.
Hello, I did the above process, but Root account is not usable. Rom checker says STAGE 2 OK : Superuser binary files OK, but STAGE 3 Failed : root user account error : : write failed : EPIPE (Broken pipe).
Would you know please how to fix this ?
Thank you,
P.S. When I installed CM13 with my CWM 6.0.46, then the opengapps, then the superSU binary, at the end, when selected roboot now, it would propose me to “fix root”, saying root access could have been lost. If I would do that, the new rom would never complete boot. I then tried to install by finishing with a “no” on this choice, and it booted, but now I have no root access.
Which device you are using ?
Hello, i have an LG L70 running CM13. I had a CWM Recovery before i updated it to CM Recovery that doesn’t work and i can’t enable root access following your steps. And now, i can’t root my phone without flashing it via recovery and i can’t install a recovery since i don’t have root. If anybody knows a way to flash recovery without root, let me know please, my phone is useless now!
Hello friend, I flashed my lenovo a6000 to cm 13 , I checked developer option there is no root access option. then I tried to flash super user via twrp it is also failed. Now,
how to enable root in my cm 13 ROM.
Hello, I only have ADB Only in the root acces, i don’t know why….
You are a Monster ๐
Working fine on Lineage (CM13)
Samsung Grand Duos I9082
Big Big thanks .. from Jordan