Google Translator Service To Any Language Will Help you to translate any language from English. Or You can translate any language to English. This is free tools which you can use for translating text even any web pages. Currently google are giving the facilities for translating language are as follows:

This is a another unique strategy for google. They are giving this translation service in most language except Bengali. But if you feel sorry for Bengal translation you can read this post for English to bangla translation. Google has given nearly fifty language translation facilities and you can listen the sentence by click at listen button. So now its very easy for you to learn any language. Lets say you are living such kinds of place where most of them are native speaker. They don’t know how to speak English properly. So what can you do now? Never feel very sorry. Google translator will help you to tech you all language. More over you can practice speaking too. So google translation is a blessings for you. But most importantly this a online based service. Every time when you need to translate any language you must have Internet connection with your pc.
So why late start learning language with google and be a multi speaker.