According to XDA dev AntaresOne jflte team member built an unofficial Android marshmallow Rom CM13 for Galaxy S4
that is running quite well with 2 major bugs that is camera and Sims
are not Working in it right now.So he didn’t yet release the marshmallow rom for Galaxy S4 download link yet.Until he is quite satisfied with his rom.
#BUG report
►Working things up to now are:
- Adaptive brightness
- Bluetooth
- Flashlight
- F2FS
- Notification LED: both channels (R,G,B)
- Sensors: accelerometer, barometer, gyroscope, proximity, temphumidity
- Sound, way better than CM12/12.1, for example instant screen lock sound when you press power key
- Touch keys leds
- Touch screen, including multitouch
- USB: charge battery, ADB, MTP for file transfer
- Vibration
- WiFi
►Not working:
- Camera: front and rear
- External storage
- IR led
- Microphone: both
See Also:Download XMOD Games For android Lollipop 5.0.1 ,5.1
You can check out the screenshot of running android marshmallow cyanogenmod 13 rom in Galaxy S4 below.
#How to install Cyanogenmod 13 Rom in Galaxy S4
CM13 Rom for Galaxy S4 and the appropriate Gapps 6.0 package
from link given below Copy it in your in your device.
See also: Download Official CM13 Rom For Galaxy S4 (Verizon)
hey antaresonne sais in this post -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s4/i9505-orig-develop/exclusive-antaresone-alucard24-s-t3066696/page724 ril is fully operational 😉
Yeah now it became sable now 😀
This is the link!
Thanks for the link 🙂
This rom work on s4 i9500???!!!
you can try it and report it back 😀
I found 2 bugs, SIMs are not showin, and microphone recording like on whatsapp, but man, the rest, awesome
Thanks for reporting bugs !
Thnks u guys for sharing it =D
I found now one more boring bug, my wifi signal is oscillating, i tried to flash again, but same thing. even so the modem included on it, its bealtiful, works like a charm, better than the last official one
Guys, thanks for sharing.
I have test this image on i9505.
1. The Bluetooth is crashing when turning on.
2. My internal and external storage is not detected when connecting to the PC.
Thanks for reporting bugs.
To get the storage to come up when you plug it into the computer, you need to swipe down on the status bar. Then tap on usb for charging which should be at the bottom, then tap on the file transfer option.
Hmnn! Does NOT work on i9500, the exynos version. Says installation aborted, and ONLY meant for i9505. Had to reflash stock rom. :{{
Thanks for reporting and sorry for convince
Update from my post 21nov. After two times flasing the bluetooth issue seems to be resolved. No error when turning on.
Also the storage was not showing on the pc is resolved.
The microphone is not working in any apps like skype, whatsapp or sip client. This is very ennoying.
Please mention on this site the new release since there is no update feature check in this build. (My google name is mentioned)
So far very happy. Works great
Thanks for reporting.
works like a charm exept bluetooth crashes when i turn it on
Thanks for reporting it back.
Is there already customized T-mobile band ROM available based on CM13?
No not yet once we get any info we will update it 😀
Sim card not detected
Sim card are working fine in this rom try to clear cache and factory reset your device,
I did factory reset, cleared cache and dalvic cache. Tried two separate occasions same result
try to flash the rom again!
Cannot install Gaaps. After I flashed them I constantly get the message "setup-assistent stoped working" (or something like that, don't know the exakt english term). I did a factory reset before installing the rom and wiped the cache after installing the gapps. The rom worked perfectly fine without the gapps. Any ideas?
try another gapps package !
FYI, I found another developer (Kushan) who fixed the microphone issue.
Get the latest Rom version here: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=44322&sort_by=date&sort_dir=DESC
Thanks for the link !
Guys, admin FYI Kushan fixed some major bugs and uploaded the new [ROM][Android 6.0.1] Kushan ROM Optimized CM13 builds [STABLE BUILD 20151217]
Follow the procedure #703 from Kushan. You can download the latest Rom on the link I have previous mention in my post.
For more information about bugfixes (Highly advised). http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s4/i9505-orig-develop/rom-kushan-cm-marshmallow-rom-t3258489/page71
This link rom 13 for i9500 it work very well and very and camera good,inredible rom: