A0001.The source code of CM 13 is released on github a week before but between that week we got many Cyanogenmod 13 roms based on android marshmallow 6.0 some of them are Motorola devices,Samsung devices etc you can search them all on our by using search box right there at the sidebar.Firstly thanks to XDA dev CraZY_BoY^r for developing CM13 rom for Oneplus one (opo).

So you can check out the xda thread for the stability report and Bugs in CM13 for Oneplus One.So what are we waiting for lets start the guide on How to Install Cyanogenmod 13 rom in Oneplus One.Follow below steps to update your oneplus one (OPO) To android marshmallow.
Update:Download Official Cyanogenmod 13 for Oneplus One
2.Custom recovery on your device must be installed like TWRP or CWM.
3.Make back up of Current rom from recovery.
4.Note before flashing rom do check the stability report of CM 13 from HERE.
#How to Install Cyanogenmod 13 Oneplus One
CM 13 Rom Oneplus one and the appropriate Gapps 6.0 package
from link given below Copy it in your in your device.
2.Now place the Cyanogenmod 13 rom and gapps 6.0 zip file in sd card.
3.Now reboot to Recovery mode (TWRP recovery)
4.Then flash CM13 android marshmallow rom and Gapps 6.0 from recovery in it.
5.Now Clear cache and Clear Data.
6.Reboot your device.Done! you just flash cyanogenmod 13 rom in your Oneplus One.Enjoy Android Marshmallow 6.0 !.
#Screen Shots
The LTE doesn't function in cm13. Now i cannot navigate by google maps since there isn't an internetconnection.
same mistake CM12.
when wifi is lost. 3g will not start.
it is necessary to switch the flight mode.
Nov 28 build with full gaps very stable here
Nov 28 build with full gaps very stable here
Gmaps says I'm in Kansas and I can assure you toto I was in the Wisconsin Dells and live in Waukesha Wisconsin… Street view shows the correct position though!
Try to install another gapps .
Hey have a doubt here:
"3.Now reboot to Recovery mode and flash Android marshmallow rom in your device.
4.Then flash CM13 android marshmallow rom and Gapps 6.0 from recovery in it.
SO THere is this Android M ROM and CM13 . Aren't they the same Zip ???
there is typo mistake we just fixed it.