You might Bricked your device then you can follow below steps to unbrick Moto g 3rd gen 2015.As we are telling that this is full step by step guide For Restoring your Moto g 3rd gen to factory state by Re locking bootloader,Unroot and restoring Stock Firmware hence it will look little bit lengthy as we are adding all the small-small step for doing this so don’t worry it is not To much lengthy process It i will hardly takes your 20 min or less.

#What this guide Includes.
stock Firmware 5.1.1 are of XT1540 , XT1541 , XT1542 , XT1543 , XT1544
, XT1548 , XT1550 Motorola Moto G 3rd generation .
►Included both for 1GB and 2 GB variants.
►Steps of Re-locking moto g 3rd gen Bootloader.
►Steps for Restoring Stock Firmware of Moto g 3rd gen.
#Things to do Before We proceed
Warning The author is not responsible, if you damage or brick your device. Do it at your own risk and follow the instructions properly.
#How to Restore Moto G 3rd gen to Stock Firmware and Re-lock bootloader
turn off your Device and Reboot your device in to Bootloader by
pressing Volume Down button+Power Button simultaneously together for 5
sec and then release the keys.

mfastboot flash partition gpt.bin
mfastboot flash motoboot motoboot.img
mfastboot flash logo logo.bin
mfastboot flash boot boot.img
mfastboot flash recovery recovery.img
mfastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk1
mfastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk2
mfastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk3
mfastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
mfastboot erase modemst1
mfastboot erase modemst2
mfastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
mfastboot erase cache
mfastboot erase userdata
have successfully Flash the stock Rom in your Moto G 3rd gen 2015. now
if you want to Relock Bootloader of your Moto g 3rd gen the follow step
10 else leave it.
12.Done! you have successfully Relock bootloader and Restore Moto g 3rd gen 2015 to stock.
when i am trying to relock boot loader it sayes please run fastboot oem lock begin first
after giving above command result is please fully flash the signed build befire loacking phone
same problem here, cant relock =/
went through all the process, bootloader stayed unlocked
the command prompt gets stuck at waiting for device
He missed the command
fastboot oem lock begin
In the zip I downloaded, there are 5 sparsechunks. Should I flash every one of them? Or stick to your instructions and just do the first three?
just stick to the instructions
You have to flash all
i had sucess full restore in moto g3 firm but the OEM lock command is not accepting the command is showing that device is not recognized what to do for that help me please.
try this command adb devices and check where your device is recognised by your pc on not.
Is it works with moto g turbo