Hello everyone,
This article is written specifically for those who want to know how to type in Hindi on the Android phone. Well, many people have this question in their mind but they never bother to find a way. So here, in this post I will explain a simple way for the same purpose. Using the method described below, you can easily type in almost all Hindi. You can update Facebook status in Hindi, send texts in Hindi WhatsApp, WeChat and also by SMS. You can type Hindi feelings so easily that you can never imagine not using it.
STEPS TYPE Hindi in Android
1 Go to Google Play Store on your Android phone.
2 Research for Google Hindi entry application.
3 Install the application.
Now here’s the important part.
4 Check the version of your Android phone.
a- For Android 4.0 or higher:
(I) – Go to the settings option.
(II) Go to the Language and Input or section.
(III) Now you will see the entrance Google Hindi option, check the score.
(IV), and then click Default and select “Hindi transliteration” in the dialog “Select input method”.
b-For Android 2.X:
(I) – access settings.
(II) – Go to the settings of the keyboard.
(III) – Google Hindi Coche entry.
(IV) – Now here is slightly different. When you enter text, ie you have to type something, then press and hold the box and you will see a context menu.
(V) – In the Input Method option, select Google Hindi entrance.
Then there was the simple basic configuration of the software. Now you can enter the SMS, chat message, email or anything in your own mother tongue, HINDI.
Here I am attaching screenshot of the Google application copies in Hindi typing so you can know how to use it to its fullest.
Now let us take a little practice to type in Hindi on the Android phone. Take a look at these options in this application.
-> Look at the symbol bottom round globe or right. Clicking spend alphabets Hindi to English.
-> Law of the planet is another symbol. Press once, if you see a blue line below, it means you are going to type in English will be translated in Hindi. Means that if you type NAMASTE, you will see on your screen नमस्ते.
-> If you want to type in English only, and then click the same option again and the blue line disappears. Then your NAMASTE will be displayed as NAMASTE only.
-> Another feature is that you can not just type the Hindi word practice, but also the Hindi numbers.
What really surprised me about this keyboard is its accuracy. It irritates you specifying word different from what you actually meant to convert.
So now that you have finished installing the software and you know how to type Hindi in Android. Happy SMS and typing in your own language
Nice app for this